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September 23, 2016
UC Merced student Stephanie Maldonado was excited when she earned a slot in the University of California’s public service internship program in Washington, D.C., this fall — then came the financial reality check. Maldonado, a third-year political science major from the San Fernando Valley, felt her...
September 16, 2016
Nate Monroe's paper, "From Rolls to Disappointments: Examining the Other Source of Majority Party Failure in Congress" (with Andrew Clarke and Jeffery Jenkins), was accepted for publication in the Political Research Quarterly.
September 7, 2016
Brad LeVeck's paper, "How International Reputations Matter: Revisiting Alliance Violations in Context," was accepted for publication in International Interactions.
August 24, 2016
Brad LeVeck's paper, "No False Promises: How The Prospect of Non-Compliance Affects Elite Preferences for International Cooperation," was accepted for publication in the International Studies Quarterly.
August 7, 2016
The political science program at UC Merced invites applications for two positions in either Political Institutions or Political Behavior with a substantive focus in American Politics, Comparative Politics, or International Relations, at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track). More...
August 4, 2016
Nicole Baerg, Post Doctoral Fellow at the University of Mannheim, will give a talk entitled, "War of the Words: How Elite Communication Changes the Economy," as part of the Understanding Politics Speaker Series on November 5, 2013.
May 24, 2016
 Courtenay Conrad and Emily Ritter co-hosted the 2016 Visions in Methodology (VIM) Conference, May 16-18, at UC Davis. VIM is designed to address the broad goal of supporting women who study political methodology.
May 24, 2016
Haifeng Huang's paper, "Propaganda as Siganling", was cited in a commentary on the Carnegie Moscow Center website.
May 12, 2016
This weekend, more than 900 degree candidates are expected to take part in the 11th commencement ceremonies at University of California, Merced, and commemorate the hard work that led to their momentous day. “Commencement marks a significant milestone in a student's life,” Chancellor Dorothy Leland...
May 5, 2016
Matt Hibbing's paper, "The Symbolic Benefits of Descriptive and Substantive Representation" (with Matthew Hayes), has been accepted for publication in Political Behavior.
