Brad LeVeck and Stephanie Nail's paper, "Evidence for a scale invariant relationship between the incumbency advantage and the nationalization of US House election 1866-2014," has been published by Research & Politics.
Professor Tasha Philpot of the Universit of Texas, Austin, gave a talk titled "A New Face to the Race Card? Campaigns, Racial Cues, and Candidate Credibility," as part of the Understanding Politics Speaker Series, on Wednesday, December 14th.
Alex Theodoridis' paper, "Me, Myself, and (I), (D) or (R)? Partisanship and Political Cognition through the Lens of Implicit Identity," has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Politics.
In a post on the London School of Economics American Public Policy blog, Emily Ritter discusses the current implications of her research with Courtenay Conrad on the relationship between dissent activities, preventive policies, and repressive responses.
Jennifer Pan, Assistant Professor at Stanford University, gave a talk entitled "How Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Arguments" on November 30th as part of the Understanding Politics Speaker Series.
Haifeng Huang's paper, "Information from Abroad: Foreign Media, Selective Exposure, and Regime Support in China" (with Yao-Yuan Yeh), has been accepted for publication by the British Journal of Political Science.
Alex Theodoridis' paper, "Disputed Ownership: Parties, Issues, and Traits in the Minds of Voters" (with Stephen Goggin), was accepted for publication in Political Behavior.