California Appeals Court Justices Cornell and Franson visited campus and spoke with the students in Professor Hansford's Governmental Power & the Constitution class.
Israel Waismel-Manor of the University of Haifa will give a talk entitled, "Candidate Appearance, Setting, Intonation, Body Language, and Electability," as part of the Understanding Politics Speaker Series on March 14, 2014.
Tom Hansford's grant proposal, "Estimating the Location of Interests, Governments, and Justices in Legal Policy Space" ($271,000, with Sarah Depaoli), was funded by the National Science Foundation.
Haifeng Huang will give a talk entitled, "A War of (Mis)Information: the Political Effects of Rumors and Rumor Rebuttals in an Authoritarian Country," at UCSD's School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS) on March 12, 2014.
Undergraduate Political Science major Kristen Renberg won the UC Merced Library Research Poster Award for her project, “Gender Cues and Acceptance of Supreme Court Decisions: An Experimental Study on Source Cues."
We are excited to announce that Brad LeVeck will join the Political Science program beginning July 2014! LeVeck received his Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation at the University of...
Alex Theodoridis will give a talk entitled, "Disputed Ownership: Parties and their Traits in the Minds of Voters" (with Stephen Goggin), at the University of Notre Dame's Rooney Center on January 31, 2014.
Matt Hibbing's paper, "Orientations Toward Conflict and Conditional Effects of Political Disagreement" (with Paul F. Testa and Melissa Ritchie), was accepted for publication in the Journal of Politics.
Nate Monroe will give a talk entitled, "Agenda-Setting in the United Nations" (with Courtenay Conrad), at the University of Hamburg on February 6, 2014.