Prof. Matthew Hibbing's paper "The Relationship Between Personality and Response Patterns on Public Opinion Surveys: The Big Five, Extreme Response Style, and Acquiescence Response Style" has just been published in the International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Congratulations to Prof. Hibbing and his coauthors, especially Prof. Raman Deol, who in 2017 became UC Merced Political Science's first PhD graduate, and is now an Associate Professor at Delta College.
The paper studies the relationship between personality, measured as the "Big Five" personality attributes, and response styles, which are a respondent’s general approach to survey questions. Focusing on the "Extreme Response Style" and the "Acquiescence Response Style," the authors analyse two nationally representative U.S. surveys, and replicate analyses with data from nearly two dozen other countries in the western hemisphere. They find that, consistent across the various surveys, openness and conscientiousness are particularly strongly correlated with both response styles.